
Showing posts from 2024

HX711 Load Cell Amplifier, Hidden Magic!

In blog 7,coding the HX711 amplifier has a few quirks that we hope to shed some light on. Lots of libraries for this common breakout board are available, yet in this blog we’ve focused on one example to show what we’ve found.

Bathroom Scales Hacking

In blog 6, A revisit of the bathroom scales we pulled apart in blog 4. Now we’re showing you how to affordably hack this bit of household tech and turn it into a complex analytical tool…many possibilities await discovery

A Sensor of Fun

In blog 5, we’ll discover a few more ways to set up these affordable load sensors and introduce some simple configurations to have fun with ... depending on your definition of fun!

A Common Load Beam Exposed!

In blog 4, time to pull apart a common bit of tech that most homes have, the bathroom weighing scales and nerd out on the half bridge sensor beams inside.